Proposal Routing and Approval Form

Proposal Routing and Approval Form (a.k.a. Routing Form or PRAF) is required for all grant and contract proposal submissions. The PRAF will be routed through Workflow to appropriate administrative personnel for review and approval. Approvals are required from the department head and dean for the PI/PD and all co-PI/PDs. Additional approvals or notifications (i.e. Facilities Planning, Human Subjects, etc.) may be required. The link to the electronic PRAF can be found on My Universe on the RSP pagelet. Or you can click on the link below:

Electronic PRAF

PRAF Training Video - Learn how to complete a PRAF with this 12-minute video.

  • *Note: UNI's current indirect cost rate is 35.4%. The training video references the previous rate of 35.1%.                 

For guidance on submitting a PRAF, please view the video above or consult the Completion Guidelines (PDF).

PRAF Attachments

The electronic PRAF requires the following attachments:

An existing project needs a new PRAF if:

  • The original project period is extended beyond the initial project period, and additional funding and/or a new scope of work is awarded that was not previously anticipated

An existing project does not need a new PRAF if:

  • It was proposed/submitted as a multi-year project and the next anticipated funding increment is being awarded
  • The project period is extended by the sponsor at the request of UNI
  • Additional funds are provided by the sponsor, but there is no change in scope of work