Research Integrity & Compliance

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP), a unit of the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, provides administrative services and leadership for UNI's research services and compliance programs. Our mission for the research compliance program is to advance a research environment at UNI that fosters honesty, integrity, and a sense of community.  RSP strives to inform and educate the campus community about requirements that must be undertaken to uphold research integrity and comply with applicable University, local, state, federal, and funding agency regulations for research. 

UNI's research compliance program includes: Human Participants, Animal Care and Use, Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RCR), Research Misconduct, Conflict of Interest, and Export Controls.

UNI encourages all faculty, staff, and students involved in research to obtain training in how to maintain the highest standards of research integrity. Most research courses at UNI incorporate various aspects of ethics training in their curricula. In some cases, individuals are required by federal regulations to obtain special training in these areas. For more information, visit Research Ethics Training and Education and IRB Training.

Research Responsibility Contacts

  • Conflict of Interest (COI) - For reporting Conflict of Interest related to research and grant funding, contact RSP Director Tolif Hunt -
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) - The IRB reviews research involving human participants.  Contact IRB Administrator Lisa Ahern -
  • Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) - IACUC reviews research involving animal care on campus. Contact IACUC Chair David McClenahan -
  • Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Training - Persons supported by NIH, NIFA and NSF funding must complete RCR training. Contact
  • Research Integrity Officer (RIO) - To report questionable research practices or incidences of observed or suspected misconduct, contact the UNI RIO Stephanie Huffman -
  • Export Controls - For a review of laws that govern the transfer of information, goods, technology and certain services with countries outside of the U.S. contact the Export Controls Coordinator -
  • Other -  For all other questions on any topic not covered above, please email the RSP office for assistance -