Iowa Research Administration Internship Student Experience
I-RAISE (Iowa Research Administration Internship Student Experience) is a cross-institutional program designed to build a more robust regional research administration (RA) workforce for the future. Funding through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED) program will support annual cohorts of student interns from the six I-RAISE partner institutions (Iowa State University, Dordt University, Drake University, University of Northern Iowa, Central College, and Simpson College).
Applications Closed for 2025-2026
2025-2026 Program Details
The application cycle for 2025-2026 has ended
The UNI Office of Research & Sponsored Programs is now accepting applications for our 2025-2026 I-RAISE Intern Positions. Interns must be an enrolled graduate or undergraduate student at UNI, be 18-years old or older, and able to legally work in the United States. You do not need to have your own transportation to serve as an I-RAISE internship. Internships will begin in late May 2025 and end in April 2026. There is a 10-week assignment at the Iowa State University (ISU) from May through early August 2025, working 40-hours a week with the July 4 holiday off. Room and board while at ISU is provided. Interns are expected to live on the ISU campus or commute to their ISU assigned department daily during the 10-week assignment. Beginning in September 2025, I-RAISE Interns will work in the UNI Research & Sponsored Programs (RSP) office for 10-hours per week from September to early December and then from late January through mid-April 2026. These are paid internship positions, and each intern will be supplied with office space in the RSP office suite and a laptop computer with a two-screen setup in the office space. Interns will receive a $6,000 participant payment for the 10-week summer assignment at ISU, $1,800 for the fall semester assignment at UNI, and $1,800 for the spring semester assignment while at UNI.
I-RAISE Internship Description 2025 (PDF) includes detailed information about the program and application requirements.
Application Details
To apply, please complete the following:
- Jotform application ( https://form.jotform.com/240565450712048 ) and include the following attachments:
- Your resume;
- Two letters of reference (e.g. your advisor, past or current professors/instructors, work colleagues, past/present work supervisor, etc.).
Applications are due no later than 5 pm on Friday, February 28, 2025.
Applicants who are selected will need to attend a 1-hour zoom or in-person interview with Mr. Tolif Hunt, Director of the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs. Only two applicants will be offered I-RAISE Internship positions.
Information Sessions
Two zoom-based informational sessions are scheduled with session #1 on Friday, January 31, 2025 at 1 pm and session #2 on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 1 pm. (Applicants are not required to attend one of these sessions - they are optional only.) Registration is required. To register, select the date you wish to attend below and complete the registration information. Be sure to add the information session to your calendar:
- Information Session #1, Friday January 31, 2025 - 1 pm - Zoom
- Information Session #2, Wednesday February 12, 2025 - 1 pm - Zoom
Further Information
For questions about I-RAISE, please contact Tolif Hunt, Director of the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, at tolif.hunt@uni.edu or 319-273-3025.