Grants for Junior Faculty
Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Funder: Dreyfus Foundation
Title: Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
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Purpose: The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences. Based on institutional nominations, the program provides discretionary funding to faculty at an early stage in their careers. Criteria for selection include an independent body of scholarship attained in the early years of their appointment (see below), and a demonstrated commitment to education, signaling the promise of continuing outstanding contributions to both research and teaching. The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program provides an unrestricted research grant of $100,000.
Eligibility: Open to academic institutions in the States, Districts, and Territories of the United States of America that grant a bachelor’s or higher degree in the chemical sciences, including biochemistry, materials chemistry, and chemical engineering. Nominees must hold a full-time tenure-track academic appointment, and are normally expected to have been appointed no earlier than mid-year 2014. Awardees are from Ph.D. granting departments in which scholarly research is a principal activity. Undergraduate education is an important component. Institutions may submit only one Camille Dreyfus nomination annually. Renominations are accepted.
Discipline area: Chemical sciences, including biochemistry, materials chemistry, and chemical engineering
Funder: Dreyfus Foundation
Title: Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program
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Purpose: The Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences at undergraduate institutions. Based on institutional nominations, the program provides discretionary funding to faculty at an early stage in their careers. The award is based on accomplishment in scholarly research with undergraduates, as well as a compelling commitment to teaching, and provides an unrestricted research grant of $75,000.
Eligibility: Open to academic institutions in the States, Districts, and Territories of the United States of America that grant a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the chemical sciences, including biochemistry, materials chemistry, and chemical engineering. Awardees are typically in departments that do not grant a doctoral degree. A potential nominee is ineligible if there is active participation or substantial research productivity in a Ph.D. program of another department or in an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program. Nominees must hold a full-time tenure-track academic appointment, be after the fourth and not after the twelfth years of their independent academic careers, and be engaged in research and teaching primarily with undergraduates. Institutions may submit only one Henry Dreyfus nomination annually. Renominations are accepted.
Discipline area: Chemical sciences, including biochemistry, materials chemistry, and chemical engineering
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER)
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Purpose: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations.
Eligibility: Detailed applicant information
Discipline area: Science, mathematics, and engineering
Program areas: Polar Programs; Physics; Mathematical Sciences; Materials Research; Chemistry; Astronomical Sciences; Ocean Sciences; Earth Sciences; Atmospheric Sciences; Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems; Molecular and Cellular Biosciences; Environmental Biology
Funder: The Research Corporation for Science Advancement
Title: Cottrell Scholars
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Purpose: The Cottrell Scholar (CS) program champions the very best early career teacher-scholars in chemistry, physics and astronomy by providing significant discretionary awards for research. Nurturing an interdisciplinary community of outstanding scientific/academic leaders, the CS program fosters synergy among faculty at major American research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions. Cottrell Scholars engage in an annual networking event, providing them an opportunity to share insights and expertise through the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative. Outstanding candidates are admitted to the ranks of Cottrell Scholars through a stringent peer-review process based on their innovative research proposals and education programs. As Scholars rise to academic leadership roles, several levels of competitive funding are available to assist them. Post-tenure Cottrell Scholars may compete for the prestigious FRED Award supporting early stage, potentially transformative research.
Eligibility: The principal investigator must have a faculty appointment at a US college or university in a department of astronomy, chemistry or physics, or, if from another department, propose research that significantly overlaps with research in astronomy, chemistry or physics. The applicant’s home department must offer at least baccalaureate, but not doctoral, degrees. Applications are accepted in the third academic year of a first tenure track appointment.
Discipline area: Astronomy, physics, chemistry
Funder: The School of Mathematics
Title: Institute for Advanced Study
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Purpose: The Institute for Advanced Study is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations. Each year scholars from around the world apply to come to the Institute to pursue their own research. The School of Mathematics is an international center of research and postdoctoral training in diverse aspects of mathematics, including pure mathematics, theoretical computer science, mathematical physics, and applied mathematics. Fifty to sixty mathematicians are invited to the School each year to study with the Faculty and to pursue research projects of their own. A small number of memberships for a longer period of time are also available.
Eligibility: Members are selected by the faculty of each school and come to the institute for one term or several years. During the period of residence at the institute, members are expected to produce original and significant work. Young applicants, applicants from nontraditional backgrounds who have outstanding promise, and senior scholars with established reputations are invited to apply. Recently the School has established the von Neumann Early Career Fellowships. To be eligible for the von Neumann Fellowships, applicants should be at least five years following the receipt of their Ph.D. but not yet eligible to receive their first paid sabbatical.
Discipline area: Mathematics and Physics
Funder: American Astronomical Society
Title: Chretien International Research Grants
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Purpose: Supports individuals or groups of PhD astronomers throughout the world to further collaborative projects in observational astronomy with emphasis on long-term, international visits. Innovative technical approaches, including development & use of new optics, devices, & techniques, will count in the applicant's favor. Preference also for individuals of high promise who are unfunded. Awards of $20,000/year are for reasonable costs associated with astronomical observational research including travel, salary, publication costs, & small equipment. Annual deadline is 4/1.
Discipline area: Astronomy
Funder: Association for Women in Mathematics
Title: Travel Grants for Women Researchers
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Purpose: Travel Grants for Women Researchers (target dates are 2/1, 5/1, & 10/1 annually) enable women to attend select research conferences in fields supported by the Division of Mathematical Sciences of NSF. Maximum of $1,500 available for U.S. travel & $2,000 for foreign travel. Mentoring Travel Grants for Women (2/1 annually) provide up to 7 grants of up to $5,000 each to help junior women develop long-term working relationships with a senior mathematician.
Eligibility: Woman mathematician
Discipline area: Mathematics
Funder: Beckman (Arnold and Mabel) Foundation
Title: Young Investigators Program
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Purpose: Supports research in chemistry & the life sciences, broadly interpreted, & particularly the invention of methods, instruments, & materials that will open up new avenues of research in science. Program is intended to provide research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of academic careers in the chemical & life sciences. Awards provide in the range of $600,000 over 4 years.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Chemistry
Funder: Sloan (Alfred P.) Foundation
Title: Sloan Research Fellowships
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Purpose: Provides up to 126 two-year awards of $75,000 to stimulate fundamental research by early career scientists in chemistry; computer science; mathematics; economics; neuroscience; physics; & computational and evolutionary molecular biology. Candidates must be tenure track faculty members, nominated by department heads or other senior scholars. No more than three candidates per department can be nominated. Must also be no more than six years from completion of the most recent PhD as of the year of the nomination.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Chemistry, computer science, economics, mathematics, molecular biology, neuroscience, ocean sciences, physics, or a related field.
Funder: American Chemical Society
Title: Petroleum Research Fund
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Purpose: Supports fundamental research and education in the petroleum & energy fields. For faculty at Ph.D.-granting institutions: New Directions & Doctoral New Investigator (submission window September – October annually). For faculty from non-doctoral departments: Undergraduate Research & Undergraduate New Investigator (submission window September – October annually). Proposals will be considered in May following submission deadlines. ACS membership not required.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Chemistry
Funder: American Mathematical Society
Title: Centennial Research Fellowships in Mathematics
Web Page:
Purpose: Supports outstanding mathematicians with a 1-year fellowship of $93,000 plus $9,300 for expenses. Applicants must have earned a PhD within 3-12 years & must hold a tenured, tenure-track, or postdoctoral position at a US college or university. Proposals must include a cogent plan for how the fellowship will be used & must propose travel to at least 1 other institution. Preference is for candidates who have not had extensive fellowship support in the past.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Mathematics
Funder: Earthwatch Institute
Title: Scientific Research
Web Page:
Purpose: Each year Earthwatch supports 130 to 140 field research projects & provide roughly 4000 volunteer field assistants to scientists doing research around the world. Supports scholarly field research worldwide in the biological, physical, social, & cultural sciences. Interested in supporting research sustainable management of natural resources, climate change, sustainable oceans, & sustainable cultures. Grants cover cost of maintaining volunteers & principal research staff in the field. Application process begins with short preliminary proposal that should be submitted at least 1 yr in advance of anticipated fieldwork.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Biological, physical, social and cultural sciences
Funder: The New York Community Trust
Title: Theodore Dunham, Jr. Grants for Research in Astronomy
Web Page:
Purpose: Provides small grants for research in astronomy & the acquisition of astronomical equipment, computer time, & computer hardware/software that will be used in astronomical research. Preference generally given to multi-user facilities. Does not fund equipment used only for teaching, publication costs, or travel costs for meetings. About 7-9 grants up to $3,000 each are made annually. In meritorious cases grants may be as much as $4,000 or $5,000. Cost sharing is encouraged. Proposals due last Monday in September.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Astronomy, physics
Funder: International Human Frontier Science Program Organization
Title: Young Investigators' Grants
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Purpose: Projects are expected to be at the frontiers of knowledge and therefore entail risk. Participation of scientists from disciplines outside the traditional life sciences such as biophysics, chemistry, computational biology, computer science, engineering, mathematics, nanoscience or physics is recommended because their contributions have made biological research increasingly quantitative and because such collaborations have opened up new approaches for understanding the complex structures and regulatory networks that characterize living organisms, their evolution and interactions.
Eligibility: All researchers on the team must be within the first five years after obtaining an independent laboratory (such as Assistant Professor).
Discipline Area: Interdisciplinary
Funder: Luce (Henry) Foundation
Title: Clare Boothe Luce Program (Women in Science, Math, and Engineering)
Web Page:
Purpose: Supports women in science, math, and engineering at three levels: 1) undergraduate scholarships & research awards; 2) graduate & postdoctoral fellowships; and 3) term support for tenure-track appointments at the assistant or associate professorship level. All awards must be used exclusively in the U.S. (not for travel or study abroad). Student recipients must be U.S. citizens and faculty recipients must be citizens or permanent residents. Deadline refers to completion of required information form. Applications accepted by invitation only.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Science, mathematics, engineering
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Research Initiation Grants (RIG)
Web Page:
Purpose: Supports development & retention of scientists from groups that are underrepresented in the biological sciences & scientists from minority-serving institutions. RIG supports new investigators in activities that will lead to development of competitive proposals. Awards are up to $150,000 over two years. Career advancement awards no longer eligible for support (beginning in FY 09).
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Biology
Funder: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Title: Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI)
Web Page:
Purpose: The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awards AFRI research, education, and extension grants to improve rural economies, increase food production, stimulate the bioeconomy, mitigate impacts of climate variability, address water availability issues, ensure food safety and security, enhance human nutrition, and train the next generation of the agricultural workforce.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Biology, agriculture, natural resources
Technology and Engineering
Funder: DARPA - Microsystems Technology Office
Title: Young Faculty Award
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Purpose: The objective of the DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA) program is to identify and engage rising research stars in junior faculty positions at U.S. academic institutions and introduce them to Department of Defense needs as well as DARPA’s program development process. The annual research announcement seeking YFA applications is typically posted to the, and websites between July and August.
Eligibility: Untenured faculty, especially those without prior DARPA funding
Discipline area: Research and Technology Development
Funder: American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Title: Old Guard Early Career Award
Web page:
Purpose: The Old Guard Early Career Award recognizes outstanding early career engineers who have advanced quickly in their professional careers, have participated in advancing their education, have shown leadership in ASME activities and have volunteered actively in their communities. Recipients receive $5,000 honorarium, paid membership for life and plaque (First Place); $2,000 honorarium, paid membership for life and plaque (Second & Third Place).
Eligibility: The applicant must be a current ASME Member who has received a baccalaureate degree in Mechanical Engineering no less than four (4) years and no more than eight (8) years before the application deadline, February 1 annually.
Discipline area: Engineering
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)
Web page:
Purpose: The intent of the program is to provide stable support at a sufficient level and duration to enable awardees to develop careers as outstanding teacher-scholars in the context of the mission of their organization. This program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers NSF’s most prestigious awards for new faculty members.
Eligibility: Detailed applicant information
Discipline area: Engineering and Research and Development
Program areas: Computer and Network Systems; Division of Human Resource Development; Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation; Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems; Engineering Education and Centers; Information and Intelligent Systems
Funder: SPIE - International Society of Optics & Photonics
Title: SPIE Early Career Achievement Award - Academic
Web page:
Purpose: The SPIE Early Career Achievement Award is presented in recognition of significant and innovative technical contributions in the engineering or scientific fields of relevance to SPIE. This award recognizes excellence in academia. The contribution(s) must have been made within the first 5 years of a faculty appointment after completing training. Up to two awards may be made each year. Honorarium $2,000.
Eligibility: Any SPIE member whose highest earned degree has been awarded within 7 years of the date of nomination and has been working within any of the engineering or scientific fields of interests by SPIE is eligible. Prior winners of the SPIE Early Career Achievement Award are not eligible. Nominees will be judged by the SPIE Awards Committee according to their contributions as demonstrated by the creativity, technical accomplishments, and impact of their research.
Discipline area: Engineering and Science
Funder: American Chemical Society (ACS) Petroleum Research Fund
Title: Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) Grants
Web page:
Purpose: Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grants provide start-up funding for scientists and engineers in the United States who are within the first three years of their first academic appointment at the level of Assistant Professor or the equivalent. Applicants may have limited or no preliminary results for a research project they wish to pursue, with the intention of using the preliminary results obtained to seek continuation funding from other agencies. The DNI grants are to be used to illustrate proof of principle or concept, to test a hypothesis, or to demonstrate feasibility of an approach.
Eligibility: Regularly-appointed faculty members at U. S. academic institutions are eligible to apply. Research or adjunct faculty holding non-tenured, long-term scientific appointments also may be eligible.
Discipline area: Engineering and Science
Funder: Luce (Henry) Foundation
Title: Clare Boothe Luce Program (Women in Science, Math, and Engineering)
Web Page:
Purpose: Supports women in science, math, and engineering at three levels: 1) undergraduate scholarships & research awards; 2) graduate & postdoctoral fellowships; and 3) term support for tenure-track appointments at the assistant or associate professorship level. All awards must be used exclusively in the U.S. (not for travel or study abroad). Student recipients must be U.S. citizens and faculty recipients must be citizens or permanent residents. Deadline refers to completion of required information form. Applications accepted by invitation only.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Science, mathematics, engineering
Funder: U.S. Dept. of Defense - Office of Naval Research
Title: ONR Young Investigator’s Program (YIP)
Web Page:
Purpose: Provides Young Investigator awards of up to $500,000 for 24-months with an option for up to $250,000 for an additional 12-months. Awards are made to U.S. citizens who hold tenure track positions at U.S. colleges & universities & have held their PhDs since 01 January 2012 to conduct research within the broad scope of Naval interests described in the ONR BAA. Applications must be submitted through university officials & demonstrate a strong institutional commitment to the researcher & project. Very competitive.
Eligibility: Awards under this announcement will be made only to U.S. institutions of higher education which award degrees in science, engineering or mathematics. U.S. non-profit organizations operating primarily for scientific and educational services may also submit proposals. The principal investigator of a proposal must be a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident (on the date proposals are due), holding a first or second full-time tenure-track or tenure-track-equivalent faculty position at that university, and has received his/her doctorate or equivalent degree on or after 01 January 2012.
Discipline Area: Science, engineering or mathematics
Health and Medicine
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: NIH Director’s New Innovator Award Program
Web page:
Purpose: Supports the award supports exceptionally creative early career investigators who propose innovative, high-impact projects in the biomedical, behavioral or social sciences within the NIH mission.
Eligibility: Must have Early Stage Investigator status (completed doctoral degree or postgraduate clinical training within last 10 years and never received an NIH R01 or equivalent award).
Discipline area: Biomedical and behavioral research
Funder: American Diabetes Association
Title: Nationwide Research, Development, and Training Awards
Web page:
Purpose: Supports new investigators, established investigators, and investigators new to the field of diabetes research.
Eligibility: Open
Discipline area: Diabetes research
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: NIH Pathway to Independence Award
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Purpose: The NIH Pathway to Independence Award will provide up to five years of support consisting of two phases. The initial phase will provide 1-2 years of mentored support for highly promising, postdoctoral research scientists. This phase will be followed by up to 3 years of independent support contingent on securing an independent research position. The PI Award is limited to postdoctoral trainees.
Eligibility: Postdoctoral candidates who have terminal clinical or research doctorates (or equivalent doctoral degrees) and who have no more than 5 years of postdoctoral research training experience
Discipline area: Health
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: NIH Director's Early Independence Award
Web page:
Purpose: The NIH Director's Early Independence Award supports outstanding junior scientists with the intellect, scientific creativity, drive, and maturity to flourish independently launch independent research careers and bypass the traditional postdoctoral training period.
Eligibility: Must complete doctoral degree or clinical training between June 1, 2018 and September 30, 2020. Must be in non-independent research position at time of application.
Discipline area: Health
Funder: American Association for Cancer Research
Title: American Association for Cancer Research Travel Stipend
Web page:
Purpose: The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) offers a variety of travel awards that enhance the education and training of early career scientists by providing financial support for their attendance at the AACR Special Conferences. These awards are provided to offset a portion of the registration, travel, and subsistence expenses incurred in attending these conferences.
Eligibility: All graduate and medical students, postdoctoral fellows, and physicians-in-training who submit abstracts may be considered. Awards are restricted to Associate Members of AACR.
Discipline area: Cancer Research
Funder: American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
Title: Bary Lebowitz Early Career Scientist Award
Web page:
Purpose: The American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP) is a national association representing and serving its members and the field of geriatric psychiatry. It is dedicated to promoting the mental health and well being of older people and improving the care of those with late-life mental disorders. The AAGP invites members to apply for or nominate an individual for the following award. AAGP will present the Barry Lebowitz Early Career Scientist Award for the best original research paper submitted by an early-career scientist. Applicants must have an academic track record in the field of geriatric psychiatry evidenced by one or more of the following: publications in the area of geriatric psychiatry in peer-reviewed journals; research presentations at national or international meetings; and evidence of early-career funding from federal or private grant agencies.
Eligibility: To be eligible, an applicant must (1) be in a fellowship or hold an academic rank no higher than assistant professor; (2) be an AAGP member or affiliate of AAGP; and (3) have submitted, or agree to submit, his/her research paper for consideration by the AAGP journal, the "American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry."
Discipline area: Geriatric psychiatry
Funder: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Title: Mentored Research Scientist Development Award
Web page:
Purpose: The Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01) provides support for an intensive, supervised career development experience in one of the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences leading to research independence. Potential applicants are strongly advised to contact the appropriate NIH staff contact at the end of this announcement to discuss their particular situation before developing an application. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK) invites applications for Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (K01) from basic scientists interested in pursuing research careers in the areas of diabetes, endocrinology, metabolic disorders, digestive diseases, nutrition, obesity, and kidney, urologic, and hematologic disorders.
Eligibility: The NIDDK uses the K01 to support the early career development of research scientists as they transition to independence while engaged in research relevant to the mission of the NIDDK. Applicants should typically have at least 2, but no more than 5, years of postdoctoral experience at the time of application. The candidate must have a research or a health professional doctorate or its equivalent, and must have potential for productive independent research. The candidate must identify a mentor with extensive research experience, and must be willing to spend a minimum of 75 percent of full-time professional effort conducting research and research career development during the entire award period. The candidate must demonstrate and justify the need for a three, four, or five year period of additional supervised research. Current principal investigators on NIH career awards are not eligible. A candidate for the K01 award may not have pending nor concurrently apply for any other career development award. K01 recipients are encouraged to apply for independent research grant support during the period of this award. Applications may be submitted, on behalf of candidates, by domestic, non-federal organizations, public or private, such as universities, colleges, hospitals and laboratories. Candidates must be U.S. citizens or non-citizen nationals, or must have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence. Individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible for this award.
Discipline area: Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Funder: National Institute on Drug Abuse
Title: Research Grant
Web page:
Purpose: This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) seeks to facilitate the entry of both newly independent and early career investigators to the area of drug use and use disorder research and HIV/AIDS. This FOA, AIDS-Science Track Award for Research Transition (A-START), encourages Small Research Grant (R03) applications to support research projects on drug misuse and/or use disorder and HIV/AIDS that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. This FOA welcomes applications integrating drug misuse and/or use disorder and HIV/AIDS across all areas of research supported by NIDA.
Eligibility: Eligible organizations include public/state controlled or private institution of higher education; nonprofit with or without 501(c)(3) IRS status; small business; for-profit organization; state government; U.S. territory or possession; Indian/Native American tribal government or designated organization; non-domestic entity or foreign organization; Hispanic-serving institution; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; regional organization; eligible agencies of the federal government; and faith-based or community based organizations.
Discipline area: Drug abuse
Funder: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Title: Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
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Purpose: Supports postdoctoral research training (F32) in the social, medical, management, or health sciences related to the delivery, financing, or quality of health care services. Fellowships provide opportunities for one or more years of academic training & supervised experience in applying research methods to the systematic evaluation of health services.
Eligibility: Eligibility is limited to applicants who have completed clinical or research doctoral degrees.
Discipline area: Healthcare
Funder: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Title: Small Research Grant Program
Web page:
Purpose: Supports small grants (R03) for focused research projects, developmental studies & high risk projects in the areas of health care services & access to services. AHRQ is interested in research involving collaborative efforts between researchers & medical & public health or healthcare providers, purchasers or payer organizations. Call for details. Awards offer up to $100,000 for 24 months.
Discipline area: Health Care Services
Funder: Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation/The Foundation for Alcohol Research
Web page:
Purpose: For over 30 years, ABMRF/The Foundation for Alcohol Research has funded research grants on important biomedical and sociobehavioral aspects of alcohol consumption and supported research-related activities through scientific meetings, professional conferences and symposia on specialized topics.
Discipline area: Alcohol research
Funder: Alzheimer's Association
Title: Research and Conference Grant Programs
Web page:
Purpose: The Alzheimer's Association International Research Grant Program funds investigations to advance our understanding of Alzheimer's disease, identify new treatment strategies, improve care for people with dementia and further our knowledge of brain health and disease prevention. Opportunities includes fellowships, grants, and partnership funding programs.
Discipline area: Clinical
Funder: American Brain Tumor Association
Title: Basic Research Fellowships and Translational Research Grants
Web page:
Purpose: Basic Research Fellowships are two-year, $100,000 awards for post-doctorates who have the potential to conduct basic brain tumor research. Fellows must have a lead mentor who currently conducts brain tumor research at the same academic institution. The mentor will help with scientific management and other research guidance to foster the applicant’s career advancement.
Eligibility: See above.
Discipline area: Neurology
Title: Pathway to Stop Diabetes
Web page:
Purpose: Pathway to Stop Diabetes is a bold, innovative initiative designed to radically transform diabetes research. Our Vision is simple yet revolutionary: find a new generation of brilliant scientists at the peak of their creativity, and provide them with freedom, autonomy, and the financial and professional resources to set them on the road to breakthrough discoveries.
Eligibility: Must be nominated by institution, one nomination allowed per grant cycle.
Funder: American Parkinson Disease Association
Title: Predoctoral/Postdoctoral Fellowships & Research Grants
Web page:
Purpose: Supports three programs that have a 3/12/20 deadline unless otherwise noted: George C. Cotzias MD Fellowships: $100,000/3 yrs; Research Grants: $75,000/2 yrs for established investigators; Postdoc Fellowships: $50,000/1 yr for postdoc scientists.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Parkinson Research
Funder: American Society for Surgery of the Hand
Title: Basic Science Research Grants
Web page:
Purpose: Supports research projects related to the field of hand surgery to encourage young investigators. It is anticipated that the funding will enable these investigators to initiate projects that will lead to additional funding. There are no specific project guidelines within the framework of hand surgery. In the past, funding has been provided for a range of subjects. Seed grants of up to $20,000 available/year. Proposals must have IRB or Animal Research Review Board approval &/or exemption letters prior to submission.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Surgical
Funder: American Society of Clinical Oncology
Title: Grant Programs
Web page:
Purpose: Supports training of young ASCO oncologists in clinical oncology research & in cancer patient care, encourages optimal communication between the various specialties concerned with neoplastic disease & facilitates delivery of health care. Offers Young Investigator Award ($25k to $50K over 1 yr); Career Development Award ($200K over 3 yrs); Advanced Clinical Research Award ($450K over 3 yrs); & other opportunities.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Oncology
Title: New Investigators Research Grant
Web page:
Purpose: The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) invites new researchers to submit proposals in competition for up to 10 research grants of $10,000 each. The New Investigators Research Grant is designed to help further new investigators' research activities by funding preliminary studies that could launch larger-scale research studies. Research, while not limited in topic, should be focused to match a one-year scope and should have clinical relevance to audiology and/or speech-language pathology.
Discipline area: Speech, Language, and Hearing
Funder: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association
Title: Scientific Research Grant Program
Web page:
Purpose: Supports innovative research of high scientific merit & ALS relevance in areas of stem cell research, disease mechanism, therapeutic approaches, model systems, & genetics. Awards are in two categories: Multi-Year Grants ($100k/yr up to 3 years) for established investigators; & Starter Grants ($50k/year) for new investigators. Deadlines refer to required abstracts. Also supports Post-doctoral Fellowship program (up to $40,000/year for two years). ALSA generally reviews of 200-300 abstracts per year with 20-25 grants receiving funding.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Medical
Funder: ASHP Research & Education Foundation
Title: Pharmacy Grant Programs
Web page:
Purpose: ASHP's mission is to advance health-system pharmacy & improve public health by ensuring quality patient care & working to make medication-use processes safe & effective. Supports New Practitioners Pharmacist Leadership Research Grants and Pharmacy Resident Practice-Based Research (both October annually).
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Pharmacy
Funder: Burroughs Welcome Fund
Title: Grant Programs
Web page:
Purpose: The Burroughs Welcome Fund's grant-making strategies support biomedical scientists at the beginning of their careers and areas of science that are poised for significant advancement but are currently undervalued and underfunded.
Eligibility: Must be nominated by institution
Discipline area: Biomedical
Funder: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Title: Research and Training Grants
Web page:
Purpose: Supports research & training related to cystic fibrosis w/studies carried out at the subcellular, cellular, animal or patient levels. Pilot & Feasibility Awards (due September annually) support new investigators to develop or test new hypotheses & methods. Research Grants (due September annually) support development of new information to understand etiology & pathogenesis. Clinical Research Award (due LOIs June & December annually) supports projects related to treatment & care. Postdoc & Clinical Fellowships (due September & October annually), Student Traineeships (no deadline), & other programs available.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Cystic Fibrosis
Funder: Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Title: Cancer Research Grants Program
Web page:
Purpose: Supports research that promotes the cure &/or control of cancer. Innovative, small-scale, short-term projects, especially those involving young or new investigators, are encouraged. Funds over $4 million dollars annually in cancer research & care. Most grants range from $25,000 to $150,000. Applications may be submitted at any time.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Cancer Research
Funder: American Gastroenterological Association
Title: Research Awards, Grants, & Fellowships
Web page:
Purpose: Supports basic & clinical research & young investigator research career development in areas related to gastroenterology & hepatology. Awards go to students, medical residents, & postdoc professionals at every level of their careers. Four categories of funding are available with various sub-categories. Applications for all awards must be submitted electronically. Deadlines vary by program.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Gastroenterology, Hepatology
Funder: Leukemia Research Foundation
Title: New Investigator Research Grant Program
Web page:
Purpose: Funds New Investigator grants of up to $150,000 for a grant period of two years. New Investigators are considered to be within 7 years of their first independent position (years as a resident physician, fellow physician, or post-doc fellow are considered to be training years). Grants must be used to conduct research and cannot be used for capital support or PI salary.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Leukemia research
Funder: March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Title: Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Research Award
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Purpose: Provides $75,000/year over 2 years for new investigators holding recent faculty appointments (M.D.s & Ph.D.s) to conduct independent research on birth defects, including those caused by pre-conceptual events and premature birth. Awards do not cover recipient's salary but do provide support for technical help & supplies.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Birth Defects
Funder: National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression
Title: Young, Independent & Distinguished Investigator Awards
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Purpose: Supports research programs related to severe psychiatric brain disorders & covering basic and/or clinical research. Young Investigator Awards (July annually) provide up to $70K over 2 years to advanced postdoc or assistant professors; Independent Awards (March annually) provide up to $100K over 2 years to associate professors who have prior national support; Distinguished Awards (May annually) offer full professors $100K over 1 year for innovative projects.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Brain disorders
Funder: Prostate Cancer Foundation
Title: Young Investigator Awards
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Purpose: Consistent with goal of ending death & suffering from prostate cancer, these awards focus on developing a gifted cohort of investigators to undertake the next generation of prostate cancer research. Funding is $75K for 3 years & mentorship is required. Awardees must be within 6 years following professional degree/clinical training. Applicants need not be trained specifically in clinical prostate cancer research, but should be working in a research environment capable of supporting potentially high impact prostate cancer research.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Prostate cancer
Funder: Foundation for Child Development
Title: Young Scholars Program
Web Page:
Purpose: The Young Scholars Program (YSP) supports policy and practice-relevant research that is focused on how the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of the early care and education workforce can support young children’s early learning and development across the birth through age eight continuum.
Eligibility: Doctoral degree within the last 9 years
Discipline Area: Child development
Social Sciences
Funder: Institute for Citizens & Scholars
Title: Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award
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Purpose: The award is structured to free the time of junior faculty who have passed their midpoint tenure review—including those from underrepresented groups and others committed to eradicating disparities in their fields—so that they can both engage in and build support systems, networks, and affinity groups that make their fields and campuses more inclusive.
Eligibility: Assistant tenure-track professors who have successfully passed their third-year review
Discipline area: Humanities and Social Sciences
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Faculty Early Career Development
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Purpose: The intent of the program is to provide stable support at a sufficient level and duration to enable awardees to develop careers as outstanding teacher-scholars in the context of the mission of their organization. This program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers NSF’s most prestigious awards for new faculty members.
Eligibility: Detailed applicant information
Discipline area: Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences; Social and Economic Sciences
Funder: Louisville Institute
Title: Lilly Endowment program
Web page:
Purpose: The Louisville Institute is a Lilly Endowment program for the study of American religion based at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary. The fundamental mission of the Louisville Institute is to enrich the religious life of American Christians and to encourage the revitalization of their institutions, by bringing together those who lead religious institutions with those who study them, so that the work of each might stimulate and inform the other. The Louisville Institute's First Book Grant Program for Minority Scholars seeks to assist junior, non-tenured religion scholars of color to complete a major research and book project, focusing on some issue pertaining to American Christianity related to the priorities of the Louisville Institute.
Eligibility: Applicants must be members of a racial/ethnic minority group; have an earned doctoral degree (normally the Ph.D. or Th.D.); be a pre-tenured faculty member in a full-time, tenure-track position at an accredited institution of higher education (seminary, college, or university) in North America; be able to negotiate a full academic year free from teaching and committee responsibilities; and be engaged in a scholarly research project leading to the publication of their first (or second) book, focusing on some aspect of Christianity in North America. For purposes of this grant program, the term "racial/ethnic minority group" includes African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
Discipline area: Religion
Funder: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Title: Research Grant Programs
Web page:
Purpose: Supports research on suicide from a variety of disciplines: psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, & others. Grants are awarded for 1-2 years under 7 programs: Linked Standard Research Grants ($300K); Distinguished Investigator Grants ($125K); Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Grants ($112K); Standard Research Grants ($100K); Young Investigator Grants ($90K); Pilot Grants ($30K); Focus Grants ($500K - up to 3 years).
Discipline area: Psychiatry, medicine, psychology, genetics, epidemiology, neurobiology, & others.
Funder: American Numismatic Society
Title: Graduate Seminar, Fellowship, & Publication Grants
Web page:
Purpose: Supports study and research in numismatics through three mechanisms: Summer Graduate Seminar provides a course stipend of $4,000 for graduate students and junior faculty to become familiar with numismatic methodology and scholarship. Schwartz Fellowship (applications accepted any time) provides $5,000 for work and study of numismatic and museum methodology at the ANS museum. The Groves Fund is for publication in early American numismatics and may be used for travel and expenses.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Numismatics
Funder: American Philosophical Society
Title: Phillips Fund for Native American Research (Grad. Students & PhDs)
Web page:
Purpose: Provides up to $3,500 over one year for research in Native American linguistics and ethnohistory in the continental U.S. and Canada. Program will not support work in archaeology, ethnography, psycholinguistics, or pedagogy. Covers travel, tapes, and informants' fees, but not general maintenance or equipment purchase. Preference will be given to young Ph.D. scholars, but applications are also accepted for support of masters theses or doctoral dissertations.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Linguistics and ethnohistory
Funder: American Political Science Association
Title: Centennial Center Research Grant Program (non-PhD granting institutions)
Web page:
Purpose: Supports APSA members to conduct research in all areas of political science. The intent of these grants is to support the research of political scientists who are not employed at PhD granting institutions and to help further the careers of these scholars. Applicants must be APSA members. Individual grants may not exceed $2,500 and are not renewable. Many recipients also managed to use APSA support as seed money to obtain additional grant funding.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Political Science
Funder: American Psychiatric Association
Title: Research and Training Awards
Web page:
Purpose: Supports a variety of research programs for junior & senior researchers in psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, & behavioral sciences. Programs include: APA/AACDP Research Mentorship Award ; Award for Research in Psychiatry; Early Career & Senior Scholar Health Services Awards; APA/AstraZeneca Young Minds in Psychiatry International Award; & APIRE/Lilly Psychiatric Research Fellowship. Other programs available.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline area: Psychiatry
Funder: American Psychological Foundation
Title: Foundation Grants
Web Page:
Purpose: Supports the Wayne F. Placek Grants for empirical research in all fields of behavioral & social science to increase the general public's understanding of homosexuality and to alleviate the stress that gay men and lesbians experience, the Roy Scrivner Research Grants for research by a graduate student with strong preference given to dissertation candidates, and many other opportunities.
Eligibility: See above
Discipline Area: Psychology
Funder: Association for the Sociology of Religion
Title: Fichter Research Grants
Web Page:
Purpose: Fichter Research Grants are awarded annually by ASR to members of the Association involved in promising sociological research on women in religion or on the intersection between religion and gender or religion and sexualities. A total of $12,000 is available to be awarded annually, and this amount is usually distributed among several of the leading applications in the year’s competition.
Eligibility: Membership in the association is required
Discipline Area: Women/Gender Studies, Religion
Funder: Foundation for Child Development
Title: Young Scholars Program
Web Page:
Purpose: The Young Scholars Program (YSP) supports policy and practice-relevant research that is focused on how the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of the early care and education workforce can support young children’s early learning and development across the birth through age eight continuum.
Eligibility: Doctoral degree within the last 9 years
Discipline Area: Child development
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Alan T. Waterman Award
Web Page:
Purpose: The Alan T. Waterman Award is the highest honor awarded by the National Science Foundation to a promising scientist or engineer at the dawn of their professional career. Since 1975, when Congress established the award to honor the agency’s first director, the annual award has been bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated exceptional individual achievement in scientific or engineering research of sufficient quality to place them at the forefront of their peers. The annual award recognizes an outstanding young researcher in any field of science or engineering supported by the National Science Foundation. In addition to a medal, the awardee receives a grant of $1,000,000, over a five year period for scientific research or advanced study in the mathematical, physical, biological, engineering, social or other sciences at the institution of the recipient’s choice.
Eligibility: A candidate must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, 40 years of age or younger or not more than ten years beyond receiving a Ph.D. by December 31 of the year in which nominated. Candidates should have demonstrated exceptional individual achievements in scientific or engineering research of sufficient quality to place them in front of their peers. Criteria include originality, innovation, and significant impact on the field.
Discipline Area: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Engineering, Social Sciences
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
Purpose: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. The minimum CAREER award, including indirect costs, will total $400,000 for the five-year duration of the award. NSF estimates making a total of 425 CAREER Awards NSF-wide. No salary support for other senior personnel is allowed.
Eligibility: Proposers must meet all of the following eligibility requirements: By the Directorate's July deadline for submission of CAREER proposals: (1) hold a doctoral degree; (2) be untenured; and (3) have not previously received an NSF PECASE or CAREER award (prior or concurrent federal support for other types of awards or for nonduplicative research does not preclude eligibility); AND (4) by
October 1st following the July deadline for submission of CAREER proposals: (5) be employed in a tenure-track position (or tenure-track-equivalent position) as an assistant professor (or equivalent title), at an institution in the U.S., its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, that awards degrees in a field supported by NSF; OR (6) be employed in a tenure-track position (or tenure-track-
equivalent position) as an assistant professor (or equivalent title) at an organization in the U.S., its territories, or possessions, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, that is a nonprofit, nondegree-granting organization such as a museum, observatory, or research lab.
Discipline Area: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Economics
Funder: American Musicological Society
Title: AMS Subventions for Publications
Web page:
Purpose: Supports approximately five individuals with expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship, including books, articles, & works in non-print media. Goal is to defray costs not covered by publishers. Proposals that utilize newer technologies are encouraged. The society also encourages proposals from younger scholars in the early stages of their careers. Awards can be for any amount up to $2,500.
Discipline area: Music Literature