Grants to and for Under-Represented Populations
National Institutes of Health
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: Career Development Award to Promote Diversity in Neuroscience Research
Purpose: Supports an intensive, supervised career development & scientific mentoring experience for promising junior neuroscience investigators to obtain research independence during this award.
Eligibility: Minority, individuals with disabilities, &/or individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds
Discipline area: Natural Science, Physical Science, and Behavioral Science
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Increase Diversity
Purpose: Supports dissertation awards in aging research to increase diversity of the aging research workforce.
Eligibility: Individuals from underrepresented racial & ethnic groups; individuals with disabilities; & individuals from socially, culturally, economically, or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds that have inhibited their ability to pursue a career in health related research
Discipline area: Health related research fields
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: Drug Abuse Dissertation Research
Purpose: Supports drug abuse doctoral dissertation research in epidemiology, prevention, treatment, services, women, and sex/gender differences, in areas that have a significant need. No more than $50,000 in direct costs will be given.
Eligibility: Doctoral students
Discipline area: Special attention to individuals from racial or ethnic groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: Mental Health Dissertation Research Grant to Increase Diversity
Purpose: Designed to increase diversity of the mental health research workforce by supporting dissertation research. Award provides up to $35,000 for up to 2 years.
Eligibility: Students from racial & ethnic populations that are underrepresented, students with disabilities; or students from socially, culturally, economically, or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds
Discipline area: Biomedical, Behavioral Science
Funder: National Institutes of Health
Title: Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC)
Purpose: Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) U-STAR awards provide support for undergraduate students who are underrepresented in the biomedical sciences to improve their preparation for high-caliber graduate training at the Ph.D. level. The period of appointment to the MARC U-STAR program is a consecutive 24-month period at the final 2 years of undergraduate training, typically called the junior and senior years.
Eligibility: Institutions with significant enrollments of college students from underrepresented groups may be eligible to apply. Awards are made to colleges and universities that offer the baccalaureate degree. Only one grant per eligible institution is awarded. MARC institutions select the trainees to be supported. Trainees must be honors students majoring in the biomedical sciences who have expressed interest in pursuing postgraduate education leading to the Ph.D., M.D.-Ph.D. or other combined professional degree-Ph.D. in these fields upon completing their baccalaureate degree.
Discipline area: Open
National Science Foundation
Broadening Participation programs at NSF
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
Purpose: The Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program is an alliance-based program. The program's theory is based on the Tinto model for student retention1. The overall goal of the program is to assist universities and colleges in diversifying the nation's science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce by increasing the number of STEM baccalaureate and graduate degrees awarded to populations historically underrepresented in these disciplines: African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Native Pacific Islanders.
Discipline area: Natural & Social Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Funder: National Science Foundation
Title: Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST)
Purpose: Promotes the development of new knowledge, enhancements of faculty research productivity, & expanded presence of students underrepresented in STEM disciplines.
Eligibility: Minority Serving Institutions
Discipline area: Natural & Social Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Funder: 3M Foundation
Title: Building Communities of Opportunity
Purpose: The foundation supports organizations involved with arts and culture, education, the environment, health, employment, youth development, human services, and minorities
Eligibility: No grants to individuals, Grant recipient must be 501(c)(3) organization, Unsolicited proposals not accepted
Discipline area: Open
Funder: Health Resources and Services Administration
Title: Centers of Excellence
Purpose: Supports schools with health programs to provide programs of excellence in health professions education for minorities.
Eligibility: Public/nonprofit health or educational entities
Discipline area: Health fields
Funder: McElroy Trust
Purpose: Emphasis on education, particularly for the disadvantaged, early childhood and elementary education and programs for minorities. Also, there is support through matching funds and fellowships for graduate study.
Eligibility: No grants to individuals, Grant recipient must be 501(c)(3) organization
Discipline area: Open
Funder: Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc.
Title: Charitable Grants Program
Purpose: Community Grant Program invests in work that promotes financial security, drives talent-focused educational opportunities, and builds strong communities by providing free or near-free experiences.
Eligibility: Limited giving areas, no grants to individuals, grant recipient must be 501(c)(3) organization
Discipline area: Open
Funder: Sloan (Alfred P.) Foundation
Title: Education & Careers in Science & Technology
Purpose: Supports programs to strengthen education and increase interest in the nature of science/technology careers.
Eligibility: Foundation's activities do not normally extend to religion, the creative or performing arts, elementary or secondary education, medical research or health care, the humanities or to activities outside the United States
Discipline area: Science/technology
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Title: Capacity Building for Traditionally Underserved Populations
Purpose: Provides financial assistance for projects that provide training, research, technical assistance, or related activities to improve services provided to individuals from minority backgrounds.
Eligibility: Open
Discipline area: Open