Review and Acceptance of Award Documents

All award documents for grants, contracts and cooperative agreements must be sent to:

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
213 E. Bartlett Hall
Cedar Falls, IA 50613-0394

Award documents can also be sent via email to:

All sponsored projects are accepted and signed on behalf of the University; therefore, awards/grants must be addressed to the University of Northern Iowa, not to departments, programs or individuals. Since the University is the grantee or contractor, all terms and conditions of award documents are accepted in the best interest of the University.

When Office of Research and Sponsored Programs receives an award document, it is reviewed to ensure the budget, scope of work and timeline are consistent with the project proposal. The terms and conditions are also reviewed to determine if anything needs to be negotiated.

Prior to the execution of the award agreement, the PI/PD is given the opportunity to review the award document and provide feedback and/or approval for signature.

If necessary, a representative from the post award area of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs negotiates terms and conditions with the sponsor.

When all terms and conditions are satisfactory the University’s and the sponsor’s designated officials sign the award document. When both parties sign the award document it becomes fully executed. The PI/PD will get a copy of the contract at the first signature stage. Fully executed contracts are filed in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs’ original project file.

UNI will accept signed award documents via fax or email.