Research Ethics Training and Education
UNI encourages all faculty, staff, and students involved in research to obtain training in how to maintain the highest standards of research integrity. There are a variety of opportunities available for training and educational in this area. Most research courses at UNI incorporate aspects of ethics training in their curricula. In addition, special courses devoted to the study of ethics are offered through certain departments. UNI subscribes to CITI to satisfy certain required training areas. In addition, supplemental events and training opportunities are provided throughout the year.
CITI Training Resources
UNI subscribes to the online Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program, based at the University of Miami. CITI offers online courses that can be accessed by faculty, staff and students affiliated with UNI affiliates.
- Click here to access the CITI Website and view a list of training courses
- Click here for detailed CITI instructions (PDF)
CITI sponsored courses are currently available in the following content areas. Please refer to the CITI website, and select "UNI" for a full list of courses. If you need assistance, please contact the RSP office.
- Human Participant Protection - By completing the Protection of Human Research Subjects course, researchers learn about issues in research with human participants. Four learner groups are available: Biomedical Focus, Social and Behavioral Focus, IRB Members Course and Other Groups. This training must be completed prior to engaging in human subjects research.
- Animal Care and Use - This module meets the federal (USDA, OLAW) requirements for basic training in the humane care and use of animals in research and teaching.
- Responsible Conduct of Research - This course is required for NSF, NIH and NIFA funded grant recipients and encouraged for all students and faculty conducting research. Training includes discipline specific courses in Biomedical, Social & Behavioral Research, Physical Sciences, Humanities, Engineers, and for Administrators. RCR topics covered in this module include Research Misconduct, Data Management, Conflict of Interest, Collaborative Science, Responsible Authorship, Mentoring, Peer Review, Lab Animals, and Human Subjects.
- Export Controls - After completing this module the learner should be able to: 1. Describe the three major sets of regulations that regulate the export of materials, technology, technical data, and software from the United States. 2. Define and use key terms and concepts critical to understanding U.S. export regulations. 3. Understand why it is important for researchers in U.S. institutions of higher education to have a core knowledge of U.S. export regulations.
- Conflicts of Interest - This training may be taken by anyone at UNI, but is targeted towards those involved in research projects that are funded by U.S. Public Health Service (NIH, AHQR, DHHS).
Supplemental Courses by Research and Sponsored Programs
The RSP office sponsors several programs throughout the year, in collaboration with faculty presenters. These include ethics forums, Institutional Review Board trainings, Export Controls sessions, grant writing workshops, and post-award support. Please see the RSP Training and Events page for the latest list of programming opportunities.
Other Online Resources
A comprehensive compilation of articles, tutorials, and instructional resources related to Research Ethics is available at