IRB Forms and Samples

This section contains guidance, forms, and consent templates necessary for investigators to complete their IRB protocol submissions. 

It is strongly recommended to use the templates provided. Deviation from standard templates and headings may delay your approval.

Consent / Assent / Permission Templates

Be sure to select the correct template, based on your study participants. 

  • Consent  - Consent is used for persons 18 and older.
  • Permission - Permission forms are used for Children under 18.
  • Assent - is used for children 6-17.

Important Notes:

  • If you are conducting research with minors, you must include a Parent/Guardian Permission form.  Depending on the age of the child, you may also need to include a child assent form.  In some cases, Permission and Assent may be combined into one form.
  • Most studies involving children will require written parental permission and child assent.  
  • If you are conducting research in schools, you must provide a Letter of Cooperation and also verify with the school administrator any additional approvals needed that may be needed.   
  • Your consent form must include these required elements


  • If you use a format different from the templates provided below, this will likely cause delays in your review. 
Document DescriptionTemplate Link
Consent for General StudyAdult Consent Template (DOC) 
Consent for Exercise StudyExercise Studies Consent Template (DOC)
Consent for SoTL StudySoTL Consent Template (DOC)
Parent /Guardian Permission FormParental Permission Template (DOC)
Parent/Guardian Permission Form - Action Research
Action Research Parental Permission Template (DOC)
Assent Form (Children 6-10)Assent 6-10 Template (DOC)
Assent Form (Children 11-17)Assent 11-17 Template (DOC)


Recruitment Materials

Use this checklist and sample to ensure that all requirements are included in your study documents.



Study Site Cooperation (Letter of Cooperation)



Other Materials 



Problem Reporting


When reporting an unanticipated problem or adverse events, please complete the "Incident Submission" form in Cayuse IRB. See Reporting Problems and Adverse Events for more information.