About Cayuse IRB - Human Ethics  

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs transitioned to an online IRB application system in November of 2022.  The previous application forms are no longer accepted and anyone applying to the IRB must use the new system, Cayuse Human Ethics (aka "Cayuse IRB").  Cayuse IRB is an electronic submission portal that manages all human subjects research protocols from initial submission to closure. Cayuse IRB uses an interactive platform to guide researchers through the application process by customizing the information required based on responses to specific questions. The application can be saved at any stage in the submission process.

Training and Resources

Cayuse IRB - Human Ethics FAQs

What is Cayuse IRB - Human Ethics?
Cayuse IRB - Human Ethics is the online IRB submission system that UNI has selected to replace the current PDF application and email submission process. The system allows for all IRB submissions to be submitted online. In addition to new studies, all renewals, modifications, and incident reports will also be submitted and managed through this online system.

What if I have a study submitted and approved prior to Cayuse IRB?  Will this study appear in Cayuse?  
Yes, all active studies approved prior to the implementation of Cayuse will be migrated as "Legacy Studies."  The Legacy Study will only serve as a record that you have an active study.  Only your original application will be uploaded into Cayuse, but this record will allow you to request subsequent actions through Cayuse such as a Modification, Incident Report or Study Closure.   This process will take time for completion; archival documents will be maintained in the RSP-IRB database. 

Will training be offered on the new system?
Yes, training sessions can be scheduled by contacting the IRB Administrator Lisa Ahern at lisa.ahern@uni.edu

Where can I find the link to the Cayuse IRB - Human Ethics module?
The entrance link can be found here. Please use your UNI CatID and password to enter.  When you first log into Cayuse, you will see a "My Tasks" page.  Please direct your attention to the top right of the page to locate the "Products" drop down menu.  From here, select "Human Ethics." 


IRB Contacts


  • IRB (Institutional Review Board)

For questions or other issues regarding the UNI IRB, contact IRB Administrator Lisa Ahern - lisa.ahern@uni.edu.

  • Cayuse IRB - Human Ethics Support   

For questions regarding use or issues regarding the Cayuse IRB system, please contact irbsupport@uni.edu.

  • RIO (Research Integrity Officer)

To report questionable research practices or incidences of observed or suspected misconduct, please contact the UNI Research Integrity Officer Stephanie Huffman - stephanie.huffman@uni.edu.

  • Other

For all other questions on any topic not covered above, please contact the Director of Research and Sponsored Programs Tolif Hunt - tolif.hunt@uni.edu.