Managing Projects
Congratulations! You're Funded - Now What?
Managing a sponsored project begins with award notification and ends when the project has been completed and closed. To aid in the administration and management of funded projects, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs follows the guidance of 2 CFR 200 (effective 12/26/2016).
The post award team is responsible for managing the business and financial aspects of sponsored project agreements (grants, contracts and cooperative agreements). Activities include:
- Award negotiation to ensure contract terms and conditions are favorable to UNI
- Authorizing signature for all award documents
- Transmittal and storage of award documents
- Primary contact for business and financial issues pertaining to sponsored awards
- Financial compliance and invoicing sponsors
- Processing forms for personnel being paid from sponsored accounts
- Providing new grants management orientation for PI/PDs and their staff
- Representing the University during financial audits
Compliance with Federal Directives
Contact Us!
Office of Sponsored Programs Post Award Management Team:
- Tolif Hunt, Director
- Lisa Ahern, Associate Director
- Michele Mullings-Shand, Grants and Contracts Administrator
- Eryn Hamann, Account Specialist
- Karen Bass, Account Clerk
- Chelle Adkins, Postaward Specialist
- Sean Parrish, Clerk IV - Administration Support